Thursday, June 19, 2008

Tiger Woods, media darling

I am writing this in response to my brother Joe who wrote an excellent post on his blog. You can go see it by using the link to his site on the left of my site. This year’s US Open was the most compelling entire tournament I have seen in a while, maybe ever. I will admit I am biased, I rooted against Jordan and I root against Tiger. I respect the obvious talent but resent the media acting like all tournaments are foregone conclusions. After Tiger won in 19 extra holes ESPN did a top ten amazing shots by Tiger in just this US Open. It made me wonder if he had ten amazing shots in just this tourney, why did he have to birdie the last hole in regulation to tie? And why did he have to birdie the 18th playoff hole to stay alive? Did Rocco have 10 AMAZING shots?
Tiger is on a quest to break Jack Nicklaus' major championship wins record and he will probably do it, he has 14 and needs 19 to own the most wins. He has been winning 1 a year for the last 3 and has at least 5 more years of peak golf if his knee holds up, but hold the phone on anointing him the greatest ever. While the media did that long ago, check into Jacks record, check out how many top 10's and 2nd place finishes in major championships Jack has. Jack has 19 second place finishes in majors compared to Tigers 2. If you put 1st and 2nd together you see Jack has 37 to Tigers 16. I know what you will say, but doesn’t that prove how great Tiger is, if he is close he wins. Actually Tiger has never, I repeat never come from behind to win a major. Jack showed up for almost every major for over 15 years and finished either 1st or 2nd. That is dominant, and with those facts you will have to come to the same conclusion I did. Jack is number 1 and no one else is in the ballpark, not even the media darling Tiger Woods.

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