Friday, May 23, 2008

Gold is Good

I am not the smartest person you will meet in your lifetime but it did not take me long to realize, if I wanted to blog, I could not share my wife's site. I would post a blog and in a days time it was moved to the back page by 10 different posts from Tara on the family, kids sports, whats on tv etc. While what Tara is posting is probably more entertaining, I like to humor myself and play to my vanity that what I want to post is more important and should not be bumped by a post about our dog.
This site should be a little of everything from politics to sports to religion and any other topic that is not polite to talk about with dinner guests. It is no secret among those whom know me best that I am often a contrarian (is that how you spell that word) and like to argue, so if you see something you don't agree with, by all means lets argue, debate or discuss, whatever form you prefer.

1 comment:

Joy said...

I think Jeff feels the same way! I'll let him know that you have your own blog so it will be cool for him to have his own blog too.